Open Your Home to An Animal In Need
Fostering is an invaluable way to make an impact on an animals life.
Our foster program is an extension of our shelter, aimed at saving animals dependent on specialized, individual care for their survival and/or eventual adoption: orphaned kittens and puppies, nursing mothers, animals recovering from major surgery or those that simply need someone to help socialize them.
An approved foster family, with a home equipped to offer such care, can make the difference for these animals as well as the lives of the humans who will adopt them.
Because of the generosity and big hearts of those who foster animals for us, we are able to save and adopt out animals with a very low chance of survival and/or adoption otherwise. It is a lot of work to nurse orphaned puppies through the night, or medicate sick kittens, or clean up after a nursing mother and her six pups, or work with the dog that has never had a moment of training in its life, but for those who are willing and able, it can be a very gratifying experience. Just ask the foster moms who convert their guest bathroom into a miniature Kitty City.
If you are interested in fostering or learning more about our foster program please contact us at 276-638-7297 or email shelter@spcamhc.org and learn how you can make a difference.