Thank you for your constant support of our area’s homeless animals. For every animal adopted from our shelter, another orphaned pet’s life is saved. For more information about contributing to the Martinsville-Henry County SPCA, please click here.
Animal Live Release Statistics
The Martinsville-Henry County SPCA calculates the live-release rate of the entire community including the county and city pounds. A live release rate is any positive outcome for an animal, i.e. adoption, return to owner, transfer to another no-kill facility for placement. We combine each facility's numbers using the No Kill Advocacy Live Rate.
No-Kill Advocacy Live Rate Equation
A: All intakes and animals on hand January 1st
B: All deaths and missing animals
C: All positive outcomes and animals on hand December 31st
Save Rate: C divided by A
Death Rate: B divided by A
Community-Wide Yearly Statistics