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132 Joseph Martin Hwy
Martinsville, Virginia 24112

Happy Pawlidays to your and your pets!

What We Do

Spay & Neuter

The Louise R. Lester Spay & Neuter Clinic was founded in November 2021 in loving memory of supporter, Louise R. Lester, to provide our community access to low-cost, basic veterinary care and spay/neuter surgeries. This is a basic veterinary care clinic; we cannot provide treatment for critically sick or injured animals. Any animal over 7 years of age must have bloodwork done prior to the surgery for an additional cost. All appointments are subject to change at any time. All appointments require 24-hour minimum cancellation notice. Without notice, additional services or appointments may be denied in the future.

For the low-income pricing, Martinsville and Henry County residents only must provide proof of one or more of the following:

  • Food stamps/EBT card
  • WIC or SNAP benefits
  • Medicaid
  • Section 8 housing
  • SSDI Disability

Proof must be provided while scheduling the appointment to receive the low-income pricing. Without proof, clients will be required to pay the standard price.

Out of area is defined as anyone living outside Martinsville City or Henry County. 

Powered In Part By:

SPCA of Martinsville & Henry County
132 Joseph Martin Hwy
Martinsville, Virginia 24112